I’m Done

 November 20, 2017

This post took me a very long time to write down.  It took me even longer to draw.  This blog was supposed to be about how positive naturism is, and how good it makes you feel about yourself.  What I’m about to write here is not positive, but its what happened.  This took place the beginning of September as the season was ending at Muir Grove, but its taken me till the end of November to post about it.  It’s taken the wind out of my sails, and I just don’t feel like doing this any more.

Almost all the camp sites at Muir Grove were cleaned out.  The tents had been rolled up and stored away, the cooking supplies, grille and coolers neatly packed away in hatch backs and trailers and all the families were returning home.  The Hammonds were headed back home and Amy and Bill were visiting with different members around the club saying goodbye for the season.  Dylan couldn’t go around and say goodby because he was confined to their camp site because he preferred to be clothed.  I walked naked from the pool deck, down the paved drive that went into the camping areas and over to their camp site and found Dylan packing some things into the back of their truck.  

“It was fun hanging out Dylan, I learned some great tricks watching you draw.”  I greeted him, peeking around the corner of the truck.

“Yeah, it was really great doing art together Val.”  He said while stuffing a lantern into the back hatch of the truck.  “I am grateful you took the time to hang out.  Too bad you didn’t see the landscape I did the other night, it came out really cool.”

“You did a landscape?”  I asked, a bit taken aback.  “I thought you only liked to draw dudes in armor and fantasy game creatures.”

“It’s in the airstream if you want to see it.”  He motioned over to the little trailer.

“Sure”, I smiled, “I’m excited to see it.”

I walked up to the trailer and Dylan opened the little silver door for me and I stepped up into the trailer.  Because everything from their site was packed into the little airstream, we were sort of wedged in together, Dylan closing the door to the trailer behind him.

“Let’s see, it’s around here…”. He looked around a bit, then suddenly he grabbed both my arms, and not just in a friendly casual way, he held them really tight, with a grip so strong it hurt.

“Dylan!  What the fuck!”  I yelled, “Let go of me!”

He pulled me toward him, with a greasy grin on his face,  “Val, you know this is where we were headed.”  He leaned in hard against me kissing me in a rough, unpleasant way.  “Don’t pretend like you don’t want this.”

“Let me out now!”  I screamed - hoping the volume of my shouting would scare him and make him think others would hear me and come running.

He only smiled and drew in close for another kiss.  What happened next was more instinct than conscious choice.  I snapped my head down and drove my forehead into his nose with as much force as I could.  There was a pop sound and Dylan slumped down against the cabinets of the trailer, blood gushing from his nose.  I leapt over him and out the door of the trailer, tripping over the step and spilling out onto the grass naked and frightened.

Before Graham left for college, he was determined to teach me self defense.  He insisted that the most unexpected way for a girl to defend herself is with a head butt.  Guys expect women to try to kick them in the groin or scratch at them, Graham explained to me.  What they aren’t going to expect is for a dainty lady to unleash a cranial assault on the nose of their attacker.  Graham even had me practice this maneuver several times.

I pulled myself together and stood up, wanting to face Dylan, rather than run away.

Dylan stepped down from the trailer, his head tilted back, a dish towel over his bleeding face.  

“Holy fuck Val.  Is that any way to treat someone who is trying to show you a little admiration?”

“Is that what you call that?”  I yelled back at him.  “What is wrong with you?  You know what this place is about, it’s about respect.  Haven’t you learned …”

“What the fuck am I supposed to think!”  he cut me off.  “It was you who came here, waiving your little ass around in front of me, spreading your vagina out for me all summer long.  What kind of message do you think you’re sending?”

“It’s a nudist park Dylan.  Everyone here is naked - except you.  Do you think you have the right to go attack everyone else here too?  Your little sister is walking around here naked, what message do you think she’s sending?”

“I’m so fucking confused.”  He felt his nose tenderly and groaned.  “You thought you were going to convert me, you thought I would see the light and start running around naked as a jay.  No, its you Val, you are really, really confused.”

“I should….”  I paused.  “I should report you to Mr. Hills, and I should also file a police report.  That’s what I should do, but I like your parents and your sister.  They are really sweet and I don’t want them embarrassed, so this stays between us.  Tell them something fell from one of the shelves in the trailer and knocked you in the nose.  We’re done, I don’t ever want to see you again.”

I spun on my heel and started walked toward the roadway back to the pool area.

“Go head, tell the police.  Tell them the only guy around here who doesn’t have his dick swinging around for everyone to see is the creep.  Is that why I’m not good enough for you Val, because I don’t have my dick hanging out?”  That was the last thing Dylan said to me.

“And your art sucks!”  I called back to him.


  1. Val, I am so sorry that this happened to you. That's very cliche, but no words are adequate for such a traumatic event.

    1. Hello Lance,
      Thanks for stopping and visiting the blog. I don’t hate Dylan for what happened, he was just confused. Forgiveness is transformative and essential. Your empathy and concern for me mean so much. Thank you. There were things I learned from this experience and I am better for it. Please continue being the beautiful, caring person you are.


    2. Val, thankyou for you being you... and for your reply.
      I am one of those guys who genuinely do care about females... and, even feel that guys who abuse women in any way give men a bad name.
      I certainly understand you not hating him. Holding on to hate would only further "damage" you inside. Hatred tears people up.
      So, kudos to you, my friend, for being the you that you are!
      Lance XO

  2. And, Val... I love your artwork!
    Lance XO

  3. Forgiveness is key for your well being Val. Sounds like you’re relationship with Dylan was close and electing to not take it further for his family’s sake is admirable.
    But I have to say I’m probably old enough to be your dad and have been a naturist all my life and if that had happened to you as my daughter forgiveness would have come 2nd after a serious talk with Dylan

    Free Beacher 👣

    1. Hello Beach friend,

      Dylan did have to face consequences for what happened, and I need to write a follow-up to bring closure to that episode. I want to note his family actually felt it was important for me to post this story. Even though I changed their names, and I drew them very differently from how they look, everyone at the club still knew who I was talking about when when I uploaded this post, so they were very brave in allowing me describe what happened.



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