
April 10

“Did you really think I was going to plan a day for us where we weren’t going to get naked!”  Jo laughed as her horse loped up the trail behind mine.  “You know me better than that!”  

Carl’s ranch had some of the most beautiful country I’d ever seen.  The trail wound its way thru stands of majestic redwoods towering over a carpet of ferns.  Our horses tracked their way thru the dappled light and I soaked in every bit of it, imagining I was that young brave, making his way back to his tribe with his hunting party.

Gentle hills dotted with stately oaks rolled down to small creeks where water splashed over gem-like rocks.  I had brought a small digital camera with me to take pictures of the horses, but I ended up taking photos of so much more.  There was just so much inspiration here.  After I while, I forgot that Jo and I were naked, we just were.  It all made so much sense.

At the crest of the tallest hill, before the trail turned back down toward the ranch house, I looked at Jo perched on her horse and realized, this would be perfect for the cover of the yearbook, with a bit of editing of course.

“Jo, stand over here” I asked, handing her my camera.  “Take a photo of me on my horse up here, from this angle.  I want to use this for the cover of the year book.”

“How’s that going to work?”  Jo asked.  “Isn’t it supposed to be some young warrior dude on the cover of your yearbook?”

“I can use myself for reference, it’s easy.”  I assured her.  “All I have to do is change my facial features a bit to look like a boy, and flatten my chest in the drawing.”

“You don’t have much flattening to do.”  Jo smirked as she aimed my camera.



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