My Other World

December 12, 2016

The weather is really cold now, and all the hills are brown and the trees are bare.  I miss my bike rides in the preserve, and I miss my time at the club.  My dad hasn’t had to travel in a while so I haven’t even had the opportunity to be naked at home. 

When I am really missing being naked, I slip into a fantasy world that I’ve created, it is a vision I have of my future life.  I dream I live on a tropical island in Fiji.  I am married to this gorgeous man named Esteban, who is one of the worlds most gifted jewelers.  His shop is in a little reed hut next to the beach, and I find pearls for his exquisite creations.  During the day, I swim thru the reefs and lagoons of our island, totally naked.  I don’t actually own any clothes, only a beautiful woven silver pouch that Esteban created for me to store the pearls I find.  All day, the gentle breezes, sun and salt water kiss my skin.  At the end of the day, I emerge from the waves with precious pearls for my Esteban.  We dance as the sun goes down and he caresses me and makes love to me in the moonlight.

I pray my life can be simple and beautiful like this.  I pray that the only thing I have is Esteban, and I own nothing else.  Dinner is what we catch that afternoon.  Catching a show means cuddling to watch the sunset.  I dream that my man adores every inch of me and I am bare before him and the rest of the world, and loved for just being a child of God.



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