Just me and Mom

November 27th, 2016

One of the benefits to having my brother leave the house for college was that I could be naked in the house when my father was away on a business trip.  The first time he left for a trip, I came home from school, went upstairs and took off all my clothes before diving into my homework.  My mom called for me to come down to help with laundry, so I came downstairs without putting anything on and sat next to her on the couch to help fold clothes.  

For a moment, she jut looked at me with a blank expression, and I expected her to say something about a new house rule, but she only chuckled, and we folded clothes together, her clothed, me naked.  From then on, whenever my dad was away on business, and it was just me and my mom at home, I would be naked most of the time, and she came to expect it.  I enjoyed helping her in the kitchen a lot more, and I really enjoyed cleaning naked.  She noticed how much more enthusiastic I was about housework when I was naked so she didn’t dare discourage it.

We were naked together at the club all the time, and because she was used to seeing me naked there, she probably wasn’t bothered that I was naked at home.  I asked her if she wanted to be naked too when we were home together, but she said she was more comfortable clothed.  The time was spent at home together just felt so special when I started to be naked around her.



  1. It looks like me and my mom when I started to be a home nudist as we both naked at home making some home duties .

  2. That sounds wonderful. I am happy my mom accepted my nakedness at home. I am glad we got to share that time together.


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