Jo’s Back!

 August 28, 2016

I’m so glad that Jo’s back!

She told me all about her trip back East, and how beautiful the Hudson Valley in upstate New York is.  She also took some time to look at colleges with her parents.  She is pretty sure she wants to go to Brown University in Rhode Island.  She was excited about the computer science program there and told me all about the amazing connections that the faculty have to cutting edge technology companies.

I felt a little silly talking about my stupid LARPing group that I joined up with.  “Yes, while you were out there planning your academic training and how you plan to change the world, I was learning how to stop a level three moon fire attack by shaping my index finger and thumb into a G shape.”

One thing we still had in common was that we still loved hanging out naked.  Jo hadn’t gotten as much quality naked time back East as she had hoped, so she was eager to make it up at Muir Grove.  There was only one week left till school started, but Jo offered to pick me up and take me to the club every day until school started.  We did spend some glorious end of summer days swimming, playing, drawing, reading and socializing naked.  

I could only come to the club with Jo Sunday thru Wednesday.  Thursday I left with my family for CalPoly San Louis Obispo to drop Graham off to start his freshman year.  I had sewn a pillow for him with the logo of Real Madrid, his favorite European premier soccer team.  I gave it to him when we finished setting up his dorm room at the campus and he gave me a great big hug and told me how much he would miss me.  When we got back in town, mom took me shopping for school clothes.  That Sunday, Hanna stopped by with a present for me from the Troupe.  She had sewn me a complete costume for my Eastern mage character to use when we go to the Mind’s Eye Society event next month on the U C Davis campus.  My little troupe of players was fine with me rehearsing naked with them in the preserve, but when we went to the event with hundreds of other players from all over the state, I had to be dressed for the part.


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